Kugonjetsa Zoipa Pakuchita Zabwino/Defeating Evil by Doing Good


Genesis 9:18-28, Nowa atatuluka mchombo anayamba kulima nthaka monga momwe Adamu ankachitira. Nowa anali munthu woyambilira kulima mphesa. Munkhaniyonse tikuona kuti kumapeto kwake kwa kulima mphesaku kukubweretsa mavuto omwe anatsatiridwa ndi themberero. Tikuonanso kuti ana aamuna a Nowa ndikomwe kunachokera mitundu yonse ya anthu pa dziko lapansi. Zimene nkhaniyi ikutanthauza ndi izi: nthawi zonse makolo amakhala ndi udindo wawukulu ophunzitsa anawo njira zoti ayendemo ndipo anawo zomwe aphunzitsidwa ndi zomwezo azakhale kutsogolo. Nde nchifukwa chake makolo ngati saphunzitsa ana awo makhalidwe abwino, anawo azalangidwa. Komanso sibwino kumafunira ena zoipa, m’malo mwake kumawapempherera popeza tonsefe ndife amodzi mwa khristu yesu.

Genesis 9:18-28, After Noah came out of the ark, he started cultivating the land just like Adam did. Noah was the first to cultivate the vine yard. Then the whole story tells us that the cultivating of the vine yard ends with problems followed by a curse. We also see that the world’s population came from the three sons of Noah. What the story means: all the time parents have the big responsibility of teaching their children the right way they should go. And whatever the children are taught, that will be conducted through out their whole lives. Then that’s why, if parents do not teach their children the righteous way and they are wicked they will nee punished. And also, its not good to wish ill upon others, instead pray for them/each other for we are one in christ Jesus.