Zoyenera kudziwa potsuzula mkazi/what to know about divorcing your wife


Mateyu 5:31, 32 ndizomvetsa chisoni kuona mawanja ambiri akutha chifukwa cha zifukwa zosaziwika bwino. Mabanja ambiri tsiku lalero akumangidwa pa madziko opanda pake. Nthawi zina, ena akumanga mabanja chifukwa mwina mtsikana wapatsidwa mimba, ena akuyamba banja chifukwa chofuna kukwanilitsa zakuthupi, akufuna kukwanilitsa zokhumba zogonana. Ngati zotsatira za izi, mabanja ambiri akutha. Mabanja ambiri akusuzurana. Mu ndime yamalemba iyi, tikuona chifukwa chomveka bwino chimene munthu ali ndikuthekera komutsuzula mkazi kapena m’bambo m’banja. Tikuuzidwa kuti ngati mkazi wagwidwa ndi chigololo akhoza kutsuzulidwa. Ngati izi zichitika mosemphana ndi lamuloli, mkaziyo amasandutzidwa pochitira chigololo. Ngakhale pali zina zovutitsitsa kwambiri m’banja monga ngati nkhondo m’banja, kunena kuti ngati chitsudzulo sichiperekedwa mwina moyo ukhoza kutayidwa pamenepo chitsudzulo chitha kuperekedwa.
Mathew 5:31, 32 it is very sad to see many marriages falling apart because of selfish reasons. Many marriages today are based on foolish foundations. Sometimes, others are starting a marriage because the girl is pregnant, others are starting a marriage on the basis of pleasures, they want to satisfy their sexual desires in marriage. Due to these foolish reasons, many marriages are falling apart. Many are divorcing today. But, in this passage we see the only reason a man or woman is legible enough to divorce his wife or her husband. The passage tells us that the only grounds for divorce in marriage is sexual immorality. Jesus says that “whoever divorces his wife except on the grounds of sexual immorality, commits adultery. And whoever marries a divorced wife commits adultery.” This is the only reason that is given on the grounds
for divorce. But there are other reasons for divorcing, and are legal. For example, on circumstances of physical assault in a marriage, that if divorce is not given then a life may be lost, then divorce may be permissible.