Mdalitso Wochokera Kwa Mulungu yehovah Kupita kwa ana oyamba a Adamu ndi zotsatira zake/Jehovah’s blessings upon Adam’s children and their response.


Mulungu akudalitsa Kaini komanso Abele panthawi yomwe agwira ntchito zawo ndipo akulandira zotsatira zabwino kuchokera ku ntchto zawozo. Panthawi yomweyo tikuona kuthokoza kosiyana komwe kukubwera kuchokera kwa anthu awiriwa omwe agwira ntchito zosiyana pomwe apeleka nsembe zawo kwa Mulungu.

God blesses Cain and Abel when doing their work and both are blessed abundantly while on the other hand we see how they thank God by offering up sacrifices but with different attitudes