Yesu aphunzitsa ndi ulamulilo/Jesus teaches with authority


Mateyu 7:24-29 Yesu akuyamba vesi 24, kunena kuti ‘yense omva mawu anga.’ Izi ndizofunika kuzisunga, chifukwa zithandizira ife kumvetsa bwino chifukwa chimene anthu omvera ulaliki wake ananena kuti amayankhula ngati yemwe anali ndi ulamuliro. Osati ngati aphunzitsi amalamuliro. Anthu ambiri analondola Yesu. Ndipo iye anakwera paphiri nayamba kuphunzitsa ophunzira ake. Mu mavesi a 24-29, yesu akuyankhula za munthu wanzeru ndi opusa. Awafotokoza motere; munthu wanzeru ndi amene amamva mawu ake ndi kuwachita. Kenako akulumikizisa ndi munthu yemwe akumanga nyumba yake pa tanthwe. Mvula inabwera koma nyumba sinagwe chifukwa inamangidwa polimba. Njira iyi ndi yomwenso Akhristu akuyenera kugwiritsa ntchito kumanga chikhristu chawo. Akhristu akuyenera kumanga pa tanthwe limene ndi Yesu Khristu. Ndipo iye akulonjeza kuti ndi maziko omwe sadzagwetsedwa konse. Ndipo pamapeto iye akumaliza ndi munthu opusa. Munthu opusa akumanga nyumba yake pa mchenga. Mvula inabwera ndipo nyumbayi inagwa. Zitsanzo zonsezi zimamveka bwino kunena kuti, wanzeru ndi munthu amene amamva mawu a Yesu ndi kuwachita ndipo munthu uyu ndi odala, Mateyu 5. Izi ndi zosiyana ndi munthu yemwe amamva mawu a Yesu ndipo samawachita. Zimangowonetsa kuti munthuyu sanamve konse mawu a Yesu. Ndiponso munthuyu sanali Khristu kumayambiriro komwe. Ndipo izi zimamupanga iye kukhala munthu opusa. Mayankhulidwe oterewa ndi omwe angayankhulidwe ndi yemwe ali ndi ulamuliro. Ndi chifukwa anthu anati, akuyankhula ngati munthu yemwe ali ndi ulamuliro osati ngati aphunzitsi amalamulo.

Mathew 7:24-29 Jesus begins verse 24, saying ‘whoever hears my word.’ Now, we have to take note of this because that will help us to understand why the crowd listening to him concluded saying that ‘he spoke as someone with authority. Not like the teachers of the law.’ A huge crowd followed Jesus. And Jesus gets on a mountain and sits down and opened his mouth to teach his disciples. In verses 24-29, Jesus talks about someone who is wise and someone who is foolish. He describes them this way; a wise person is the one who hears his word and does it. And from there he links it with someone who builds a house on a rock. Jesus said that, the rains came, the wind blew and the flood water lashed against this house but it was founded firm and it remained. And this applies to how true Christians are to build their houses which is their Christianity. Christians are to build on the true foundation which is Jesus Christ. And Jesus assures his people that no matter what problem they may face, they never will be destroyed for they are founded on the true foundation which is Jesus. And finally, Jesus concludes talking about a foolish person. Now, this person is foolish because he builds his house on sand and the rains come and lashes against this house and it is destroyed. Now all these two examples are understood clearly this way; Jesus talks about his word, the one who hears his word and does it is blessed, Matthew 5. in simple terms, this person hears and does it and is a happy person. This is unlike with someone who hears and does not do Jesus word. In simple terms, it just shows that this person never heard the word of Jesus. And never was a Christian to begin with, this makes that person a fool. It is only someone with authority who can speak like that, thus why the people concluded that he spoke like someone with authority not like the teachers of the law.