Abrahamu kapolo wodzipereka/Abraham a devoted servant


Genesis 21:22-33 padutsa kanthawi tsopano, Abrahamu wapita ndikukhala ndi a filisti. Ndipo kumeneko anakumana ndi Abimeleki. Abrahamu adamuuza Sara kuti azinena bodza kuti anali mlongo wake wa Abrahamu. Izi zinatheka, komabe mulungu anawululira Abimeleki bodza lomwe anawuzidwa chifukwa anali atatenga Sara kukhala mkazi wake. Mulungu sanakondwere ndipo anapangitsa azimayi onse akufilisti kukhala osabereka. Kenaka mulungu mwini analowererapo ndipo anawonesera vuto kwa Abimeleki. Abimeleki anapita ndikukakambirana ndi Abrahamu ndipo iye anapemphera kenako themberero linachotsedwa. Zotsatira zake Abimeleki anachita pangano ndi Abrahamu ndipo zinayenda bwino. Pangano litachidwa ndi anthu awiriwa ku Berisheba, Abrahamu anadzala mtengo komweko. Abrahamu anapembeza ambuye pansi pa mtengo. Abrahamu akuwonesera munthu yemwe ndi wodzipereka kwatunthu kwa mulungu. Tikumuona akudzala mtengo, ndipo pansi pa mtengo iye akupembeza ambuye. Nthawi zonse iye amakonda kupemphera. Iye ndi chitsanzo chabwino. Timadziwa kuti tazunguliridwa ndi mphamvu za kumidima zomwe sitingamenyane nazo ndi thupi ndi magazi athu. Mulungu yekha ndi amene angamenyane nazo. Ndipo ife tiyenera kukhala okonda kupemphera nthawi zonse.

Genesis 21:22-33 it has been a while now, Abraham has gone and live with the Philistines. And there he met with Abimelech. Now Abraham had told Sarah his wife to lie saying that they were brother and sister. It worked out, but later God reveals to Abimelech the lie that Abraham had told him for Abimelech had taken Sarah as his wife. God was unhappy and he caused the women of the city to become barren. Then God intervened and revealed the problem to Abimelech and afterward Abraham prayed to God and the curse was lifted. As a result of this Abimelech enters a covenant with Abraham and it worked out beautifully. Now, after the promise was made between the two at Beersheba, Abraham planted a tree there. Abraham worshiped the lord there. Abraham is demonstrating the life of someone who is highly devoted to God. We see him planting a tree, and there he worships the lord. He stays prayed up all the time. This is a good example. We know today that we are surrounded by powerful forces we cannot fight with flesh and blood, and the only one who can fight them is God himself. So, the best thing we can do is to pray constantly.