Tchimo silisintha kukhala choonadi/ A lie cannot change to be the truth


Genesis 20:1-18 mukumvetsetsa kophweka, mu ndime ya malemba iyi ikutithandiza kumvetsa kuti palibe choona chilichonse chimabwera kuchokera ku bodza lonenedwa ndi Khrisitu. Palibe chomwe chingabise machimo pamaso pa ambuye machimo akachitidwa. Mu ndime ya malemba iyi ikutionetsera kuti tchimo silingasinthidwe kukhala chinthu chabwino. Tikuona Abrahamu akunena bodza kawiri konse kuyambira pomwe anayitanidwa ndi mulungu. Koma kodi izi zikumupangitsa kukhala olondola? Bodza lakuti Sara anali mlongo wake linalibe chophimba chilichonse pamaso pa mulungu ngakhale linapulumutsa Abrahamu kwa kanthawi kochepa chabe. Koma mulungu akutionetsera kuti Abrahamu analakwitsa ponena bodza. Mulungu akumuonesera mfumu Abimelech bodza lomwe Abrahamu wanena. Izi zikusonyeza kuti mulungu sanagwirizane nazo zomwe iye anachita ponena bodza. Nthawi zambiri Akhrisitu amayesera kunena zomwe amatchula kuti ndi bodza loyera pofuna kuzipulumutsa kuzoopsa. Koma mulungu akutionesera apa kuti kulibeko bodza loyera. Tingoyenera kumudalira ndi kukhulupirira iye nthawi zonse. Ndipo pamene tipepesa, tisangonena pamwamba chabe. Mulungu amadziwa zonse zomwe tachita komanso tachita chifukwa chiyani. Tingoyenera kudzindikira tchimo lomwe tachita ndi kulapa kuchokera pansi pa mtima.

Genesis 20:1-18 in simple terms, this chapter helps us to understand that there is no truthfulness in any white lie that can be told. All sins are inexcusable before the lord. In this chapter we come to realization that no sin that can be told can be justified to be right. We see Abraham telling the same lie twice now since his calling. But does this make him right? The lie that Sarah was his sister was without excuse though it seemed to have given Abraham a temporary safety. But God shows us here that it was never apart of his plan for Abraham to tell a lie. God comes and reveals the lie to king Abimelech showing us that he is against the lie Abraham had told. They’re times that Christians try to tell what they call a white lie in order to save themselves from danger. But God here tells us that there is no such thing as a white lie. All we need to do is to trust him always. And when we make a mistake, it isn’t right just to give a surface apology to God like others do. He knows what we have done and how we did it, and he expect us to know our mistake and confess to him and then we apologize.