Osankhidwa ndi mulungu ndi okanidwa ndi mulungu/The chosen ones of God and those rejected by God.


Genesis 21:8-13 ikufotokozera zinthu ziwiri zofunika kwambiri, zinthu zimene zikuchitika pa dziko lapansi, m’mabanja ingakhale mu mpingo. Tikuwona nkhondo imene ikuchitika pakati pa osankhidwa a mulungu ndi onse omwe ndi okanidwa ndi mulungu. Koma kuti timvetse bwino izi, chaputara 3 cha bukuli chikutipatsa kumvetsetsa kwakulu. Mulungu akuuza njoka ija kuti “ndizayika
chidani pakati pako ndi mzimayi, pakati pa mbewu yako ndi mbewu yake. Iye azaphwanya mutu wako ndipo iwe uzaluma chitendeni chake.” Izi zikuoneka pamene Adamu ndi Hava abereka ana awiri amene anali Kaini ndi Abere. Ana awiri awa anapereka
nsembe kwa mulungu ndipo mulungu anavomera nsembe ya Abele ndikukana nsembe ya Kaini. Mulungu akusankha Abele ndikukana Kaini. Ndipo mapeto ake Kaini anapha m’bale wake. Izi zikupitirirabe kufikira nthawi ya Isaki. Ana a Ishumaeli akukula ndikumalimbana ndi ana a Isaki. Izi ndi zofunika kumvetetsa bwino chifukwa; izi zikukwaniritsa lonjezo limene mulungu anapanga mu chaputa 3:15 cha bukuli. Mu buku lopatulika muli malonjezo ambiri amene akukwaniritsidwa munthawi yathu ino. Izi ziyenera kutipatsa chilimbikitso ndi kukhala opilira mu chikhulupiriro chathu mwa Yesu Khristu.

Genesis 21:8-13 introduces us to two things that are much greater, things that are still happening throughout the entire world, in families and even in the churches. We see war between two kinds of people, those who are chosen by God and those who are rejected by God. But for us to understand this war better, chapter 3 of this book gives us a much wider understanding of this problem. God tells the serpent that “I will put hostility between you and the woman, between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.” This is evident when two brothers are born to Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel. These two offered up sacrifice to God and God accepted Abel’s sacrifice but rejected Cain’s. Thus, choosing Abel and rejecting Cain. Later Cain kills his brother. This happens throughout until the birth of Isaac. Later we see the descendants of Ishmael fighting against the descendants of Isaac. Now this is important to note of because; it is the fulfilment of the prophecy in Genesis 3:15. The bible contains many prophecies that are seeing fulfilment today and this should give us courage and remain bold in professing our faith in Christ.