Kusiyana pakati pa mpingo wa chikhalidwe ndi mpingo wa akhristu/The differences between traditional churches and Christian churches


Mateyu 5:38-42 ikutionetsera kusiyana kwa pakati pa maweruzidwe a dziko lapansi ndi a nkhristu yemwe walakwiridwa. Dziko limalimbikitsa kubwenzera pamene ena atilakwira ife. Mwachitsanzo, pamene wina amenya tsaya lako, nawenso umenye lake. Dziko limanena kuti mupatse anthu zomwe zikuwayenereza pomwe achita choyipa. Koma umu sim’mowe okhulupirira akuyenera kukhalamo. Timakhala munjira yosiyana ndi dziko lapansi. Yesu akutiuza kuti tipatse anthu zomwe sakuyenera panthawi yomwe atichitira zoyipa. Pamene wina sanachite bwino, m’malo momubwenzera, tiyenera kumukonda. Nchifukwa chiyani tiwakonde? Chifukwa talandira chinthu china chabwino. Talandira chifundo cha mulungu ndi chifukwa timaonetsera chifundo. Pamapeto pa zonse, mulungu ndi mwini kuweruza ndipo azaweruza. Tikungoyenera kumudalira.

Mathew 5:34-42 is showing us the differences between the worldly ways of judging and the way a Christian reacts when mistreated. The world would tell you to fight back when someone has done something wrong to you. For example, slapping you on the chick, you also slap back. The world would tell you to give people what they deserve when in the wrong. But, that’s not how a true believer should live. We live in such a way that is different from this world. Jesus tells us to give people what they do not deserve when they are in the wrong. If someone has done you injustice, instead of revenging, he tells us to show them love. Why should we love them? because we have we received something better. We have received the mercy of God and that’s why we show mercy. At the end of the day, God is the judge of everything and surely, he will deliver justice and we just need to trust him.