khalani anthu okonda chilungamo/Be a people that love justice


Mateyu 5:21-26 ikupitiriza kuyankhula zokhuza chilungamo. Ndipo chilungamo chimene mulungu akufuna, sichakunja ayi koma chankati mwa munthu. Yesu akuyankhula kunena kuti ‘ngati chilungamo chanu sichiposa cha afarisi ndi aphunzitsi a malamulo, simuzalowa mu ufumu wakumwamba.’ Mu zoyankhula zina,Yesu akuyamba mayankhulidwe ake kunena kuti “munamva kunanenedwa kuti.” Kuchoka pamenepo iye akuyankhula ndi kuwaonetsa anthu zokhuza chilamulo cha Mose. Komanso akuwawonesera momwe angatsatirire chilamulo chimenechi. Kenako akubwerera ku nthawi yatsopano kuti afotokoze momwe amayenerera kumvetsetsera chilamulo chimenechi. Kodi ndi zofunika bwanji kuti iye akambe zimenezi? Yesu watiwuza kale kuti sanabwere kuzathetsa chilamulo ndi aneneri koma kuzakwaniritsa. Yesu akutiwuza kunena kuti chilungamo chanthu chisangokhala cha kunja kokha koma chizichokera mkati mwathu. Potengera ndi zomwe chilamulo chimafuna kuti tizichita, ndi Yesu yekha amene anakwaniritsa kukhala moyo omvera chilamulo chimene mwangwiro. N’chifukwa chake akutiwuza momwe tingatsitirire chilamulo chifukwa iye ndiye amene akudziwa bwino lomwe. Yesu akutipempha kuti tikhale anthu okonda chilungamo. Ndipo chilungamo chathu chiwale ngati muni kuti onse omwe awona kuwalako alemekeze atate athu akumwamba. Chilungamo chathu chisakhale chakunja kokha kuti ena atitamandire ife.
Matthew 5:21-26 continues to talk about justice. And the type of justice that God wants, is not the outward justice but the inward justice. Jesus makes a statement about this saying that ‘if your righteousness does not surpass that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will by no means enter the kingdom of the heavens.’ Now, in his statements, Jesus begins most the sentences with the word “you heard that it was said.” And from there, he goes back to the old testament and show people what the law of Moses is about and also show them how they should live by it. And then he goes back to present time and show the people how they should understand the law of Moses. How important is it that he explains the law? Earlier, Jesus has already told us that he didn’t come to abolish the law and the prophets but he came to fulfil it. So, Jesus shows us that justice shouldn’t be a thing of outside but should involve inside life. And looking at what the law requires us to do, the only one who can follow the law perfectly is Jesus. Jesus in his entire life lived in obedience to the law. And that is why he tells us how to follow the law because he knows how. Jesus invites us to exercise true righteousness. Let it shine like light before men, and those who see it will glorify our heavenly father. Our righteousness shouldn’t be a thing of outside appearance in order to be praised by others.