Odala ndi amene azunzika chifukwa cha Chilunngamo/Happy are those who suffer because of Righteousness


Mateyu 5:10 ikutiwuza ife kuti madzi osefukira akubwera kutsogolo kwathu. Yesu akutichenjeza za madzi osefukirawa. Ndipo akutiwuza kuti palibe yemwe angakwanitse kuthawa madzi osefukirawa. Njira yokha imene munthu ungathawire madzi osefukirawa ndi pamene uli ndi madziko angwiro. Madziko amenewa amatsindika ngati tili okondwa tsopano chifukwa cha zomwe zizachitikira ife kutsogolo. Izi ndi zimene zikulumikiza mathero a chiphunzitso cha paphiri ndi chiyambi cha chiphunzitso cha paphiri. Anthu amene ndi odala tsopano, amene amadziwa Chimwemwe chenicheni ndi anthu amene ali ndi chiyembekezo chopirira madzi osefukira omwe akubwera kutsogolo. Madzi osefukira omwe ndi nkwiyo wa mulungu ukamatsulidwa, ndani angayimirire pamaso pake? Zomwe ndi zoona kutsogolo zimatsimikizira Chimwemwe chathu lero. Zotsatira zake tinganene kuti Chimwemwe chenicheni ndi pamene ukhala otsatira wa Yesu Khristu. Munthu wake ndi amene amamva mawu a Yesu ndi kuwachita.    
Matthew 5:10 is telling us of a flood that is coming ahead of us. Jesus warns us of this storm. And he tells us that it’s coming for us and nobody can escape it. The only way to escape it is to endure the storm. How? By having a strong foundation. This foundation can determine whether we be happy now regarding what will happen to us in the future. And this is the connection between the end of the sermon on the mountain and the beginning of the sermon on the mountain. The people who are blessed now, people who know true happiness now are the people who have the hope of enduring the storm that is coming. When the flood of the judgement of God is unleashed, who will remain standing? What is true in the future is what should determine our happiness today. Therefore, we can say that true happiness is to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. It truly means to be someone who hears the word of Jesus and take your life and align it with Jesus’ word.