Nkwabwino kukhala olimba muchikhulupiriro/It is good to remain firm in the Faith


Luka 1:26-38 ikutibweretsera nkhani ya msungwana wosaziwa mwamuna otchedwa Maria ndipo amakhala mu zinda wa Nazareti ku Galileya. Msungwana ameneyu analibe kudziwika kulikonse, analibe chilichonse chopatsa chidwi komanso amakhala muzinda wosatchuka. Koma mulungu anali naye cholinga msungwanayu. Ngelo Gabrieli anabweretsa nkhani yabwino nati “uzakhala ndi pakati ndipo uzabereka mwana wamwamuna. Ndipo uzamutche Yesu.” Kubadwa kwa Yesu, kapena kunena kuti kubadwa kodzichepetsa kwa Yesu kunabwera kudzera mwa Maria. Koma mkati mwakukambirana ndi ngeloyo Maria anachita mantha. Izi zimachitika iye atalandira chitomero kuchokera kwa mwamuna otchedwa Yosefe wa fuko la Davide. Kukambirana kwawo kutatha Maria anamvetsetsa kuti ichi chinali chisankho cha mulungu ndipo iye sakanatha kutsutsa. Izi zinali motere chifukwa ankadziwa zina zokhuza mulungu. Zomwe ndizopatsa chidwi mukukambirana kwawo ndi momwe Maria anamuyankhira ngeloyo. Iye anati “zichitike monga momwe mwanenera. Popeza ine ndi mtumiki wa ambuye.” M’mawu ake, iye akuwonetsa kukula kwa chikhulupiriro chake pa mulungu. Iye akutiphunzitsa kulemekeza zisankho zomwe mulungu amatipangira ife ngati ana ake komanso osankhidwa ake. Monga ana a mulungu, ngakhale tikumane ndi mavuto oopsa, titsatire chitsanzo chabwino cha chikhulupriro cha Maria. Tikhale ndi mtima okwanitsa kunena kuti ‘zikhale monga momwe ambuye mufunira.’

Luke 1:26-38 brings us a story of a young virgin named Mary who lived in a small town of Nazareth in Galilee. This young woman had no publicity, had nothing interesting and was living in a place not famous. But God had a plan for her. Angel Gabriel brought her news saying “you will be pregnant and give birth to a son. And you will name him Jesus.” The birth of Jesus, also known as a humble birth of Jesus came about through this young woman called Mary. In the midst of all this, Mary was terrified and was afraid. At this point already, she had received a marriage proposal from a man called Joseph of the clan of David. After conversing with angel Gabriel, Mary finally understood and agreed to it, for this was God’s choosing and she had no objection. This was so, because she understood things concerning God. What’s interesting is how she responded to the angel. She said to the angel ‘let it be as you have said, for I am the servant of the lord.’ In her words, she expressed a tremendous amount of faith in God. She teaches us how to value the choices that our creator makes for us as his chosen ones and his children. As the children of God, in every circumstance that we face whether good or bad in his ministry, we should imitate Mary’s faith. We should learn to say that ‘let it be as the lord has purposed it.’