Kumwalira kwa Sara/The death of Sarah


Genesis 23:1-20 ikukamba za nkhani yokhuza imfa ya Sara mkazi wake wa Abrahamu. Chaputachi chikuwonetsera momwe Sara anali ofunikira komanso kunali koyenera bwanji kulemba za imfa yake mu bukhu lopatulika. Tikayang’ana m’machaputa ambuyo pamene Abrahamu amayitanidwa ndi mulungu, tipeza kuti anachoka kwawo pamodzi ndi Sara komanso Loti. Tinaonanso momwe moyo wa Loti ndi banja lake unathera. Koma kudzanja linali, posatengera mavuto omwe Abrahamu amakomana nawo sanali yekha. Nthawi zonse iye amakhala ndi mkazi wake Sara. Sara anali ndi chikhulupiriro ndipo anawelengera malonjezo omwe mulungu anapanga. Ndipo kumapeto a moyo wake anawona
limodzi mwa malonjezo a mulungu akukwaniritsidwa. Sara anabereka mwana ali ndi zaka makumi asanu ndi anayi. Iye analandira lonjezoli pamodzi ndi Abrahamu. Ndi kudzera mwa iye mbewu ya mzimayi inayamba kuzafikira pamene Yesu Khristu anabadwa. Iye ndi chitsanzo chabwino kwa azimayi omwe ndi Akhristu ndipo ali m’mabanja masiku ano. Sara anakhalabe ndi Abrahamu nthawi zonse za moyo wake, iye anatsatira Abrahamu ngakhale sankadziwa komwe amapita ndipo anakhala mumatenti nthawi yambiri ya moyo wake ndipo sanadandaule kanthu konse. Izi zikuyenera kulimbikitsa azimayi omwe amuna awo ndi otumikira ndi kulalika uthenga wa Ambuye Yesu. Thandizani
amuna anu momwe anachitira Sara ngakhale mutakhala kuti simukuona tsogolo lililonse, athandizenibe chifukwa izi zimakondweretsa Ambuye wanu wamkulu Yesu Khristu.

Genesis 23:1-20 tells us a story of the death of Sarah the wife of Abraham. This chapter also shows us how and why Sarah was important and it was worthy to record her death in the bible. If we go back to when Abraham was called, we would find out that he went out of his land accompanied by his wife and Lot his nephew. We saw how it ended for Lot and his family. But on the other hand, despite all the hardships Abraham faced, he was not alone. He was always with his wife Sarah. Sarah was firm in the faith and counted on the promises God made. And at the end of her life she witnessed one of the promises made by God being fulfilled. She gave birth to a son at the age of 90 after many years of no children. After God promised her a child, she lived to see that along side her husband. And it was finally witnessed by both of them and through her the seed of a woman was made manifest down to the birth of Jesus Christ. This plays out a good example to Christian women in todays time. Sarah stayed with her husband throughout all that God commanded them to do. She went out of her home with him without knowing where they were going. She stayed in tents many days of her life yet she worried not of prestige. This should encourage Christian women whose husbands go out to minister to others and preach the gospel. Support your husband just like Sarah did even when you see no hope, keep on supporting your husbands for this is pleasing to the lord.