Mphamvu ndi chisankho cha mulungu/Selection and sovereignty of God


Luka 1:57-80 ikukamba zokhuza chithu chapadera chokhuza mulungu chimene mavesi ena a muchaputa ichi akamba kale. Kufotokozera komwe kwapelekedwa kale kukugwirizana ndi maulosi ena omwe amakamba za kubadwa kwa mesiya. Mulungu amasankha mu mphamvu yake yemwe akufuna kumugwiritsa ntchito pofuna kukwaniritsa zolinga zake. Tsopano kuti timvetse zokhuza mphamvu ndi chisankho cha mulungu, mavesi a 57-80 a Luka akuyankhulapo momveka bwino pa zimenezi. Choyamba, mulungu akusankha mtsikana ozichepesa osauka ochokera kumnzinda osaziwika yemwe dzina lake ndi Maria. Ngelo Gabriel ochokera kwa mulungu anapereka uthenga kwa Maria kuti azakhala ndi pakati pa mzimu ndipo mwana obadwayo azakhala mwana wa wam’mwamwambayo. Maria anayilandira nkhaniyi ndipo anafuna kuwuza m’bale wake Elizabeti. Koma ngelo uja asanapite anamuuza Maria za m’bale wakeyo kuti anali ndi pakati mu ukalamba wake chifukwa sankabereka. Iye anachita izi kumusimikizira Maria kuti palibe chomukanika mulungu. Chachiwiri, mulungu akukamba momveka bwino malo, nthawi komanso motani momwe mwanayo azabadwire. Maulosi amanena kuti mwanayo azabadwira ku mnzinda wa Betelehemu mudzi wa Davide ndipo ndi komwe anabadwira. Mulungu akuwonetsetsa kuti zichitike malingana ndi ulosi wake ndipo zinachitikadi. Izi zimatithandizira kuzindikira kuti mulungu ndi wamphamvu zonse ndipo amalamulira zonse zochitika pa dziko lapansi. Tsopano, kudziwa izi zokhuza mulungu, zitanthauzanji kwa ife? Izi zimathandizira ife kudziwa kuti mulungu samasintha. Iye anali mulungu yemweyo munthawi yakale, iye ali mulungu yemweyo munthawi yatsopanoyi komanso apitiriza kukhala mulungu yemweyo munthawi yakutsogolo ndipo tikhoza kumudalira chifukwa samakhumudwitsa.

Luke 1:57-80 talks about something special about God that other verses of this chapter have already discussed. The explanation given here agrees perfectly with all the other prophecies foretelling the birth of messiah. God chooses whomever he wants in his sovereignty to use in order to fulfill his purposes. Now to understand clearly about selection and sovereignty of God, verses 57-80 of Luke makes a clear comment on that issue. Firstly, God chooses a noble village girl called Mary who is lowly and poor from a small town. Angel Gabriel from God appears to Mary and gives her the news that she will conceive a child with the power of the spirit from God and the child to be born will be called the son of the highest God. Mary accepts the great news and wants her cousin Elizabeth to know. But before the angel goes back to heaven, he tells her about Elizabeth who also has conceived a child in her old age because she was known to be barren. The angel does this to assure her that nothing is impossible with God. Secondly, God makes it clear how, where and when the messiah would be born. Prophecies foretell that the child would be born in a small town called Bethlehem, the city of David and that’s exactly where the child is born. This helps us to understand that God is sovereign and that he controls every event that unfolds on earth. Now, knowing that about God, what does it mean to us? This helps us to understand that God never changes. He was the same God in the past, he is the same God in the present and he continues to be the same God in the future and we can trust him completely because he never disappoints.