Mulungu akonda anthu ake powapatsa mpulumutsi/God gives his people a savior out of love


Luka 1:39-45 Maria azonda Elizabeti. Nthawi imene Maria anapereka moni kwa Elizabeti, yemwe anali oyembekezera pa nthawiyo, mwana m’mimba mwake anadumpha ndi Chimwemwe. Elizabeti anali ndi kuthekera kodziwa chinthu chapadera chokhuza mwana yemwe Maria anali m’mimba mwake. Tikuyenera kudziwa izi zokhuza Elizabeti, iye anadziwa bwanji kuti Maria anali atayembekezera ambuye? Malemba amawonetsa kuti iye anali wodzadzidwa ndi mzimu wa mulungu. Izi zinapangisa kuti iye adzindikire bwino za mwana ameneyu. Chinthu chofunikira kudziwa ndi ichi, mulungu amachita zinthu zikuluzikulu myoyo yathu ngati ife timudalira iye ndi chikhulupiriro. Elizabeti anadalira mulungu moyo wake ndipo mulungu anamuzindikiritsa iye kuti Maria anali oyembekezera mpulumutsi wa anthu onse pa dziko. Maria yemwe anali ozichepesa pamaso pa mulungu anasankhidwa kubereka ambuye, zomwe ndi zinthu zopasa chidwi. Mulungu amagwiritsa ntchito anthu omwe ndi opanda kanthu kalikonse ku dziko kuti akwaniritse zolinga zake ndi kulemekeza zina lake. Mulungu amagwiritsa ntchito anthu omwe ndi opanda kanthu komanso ndi osaukitsitsa kuti achite zolinga zake ndi kulemekeza zina lake. Chimodzimodzi ife Akhristu lero, amene ndi osauka mu uzimu komanso opanda kanthu, mulungu angatigwiritse ntchito ngati timulora iye kuti atero. Choncho tiyeneni tizipereke kwa mulungu kwa tunthu kuti atigwiritse ntchito mu utumiki wake.

Luke 1:39-45 Mary visits Elizabeth. When Mary greets Elizabeth, who was pregnant at this time, the child in her womb made sudden movements showing happiness. Elizabeth is able to notice something special about the child Mary was carrying in her womb. There is something to be noted about Elizabeth, how was she able to know that Mary was carrying the lord in her womb? The scriptures show that she was filled with the holy spirit from God. This enabled her to know who this child was even before he was born. This makes Elizabeth’s child happy upon hearing the greeting from Mary. One thing important to take note of is that God can make great things in life happen to us but only if we believe in him and trusts him completely. Elizabeth trusted the lord and was given the privilege to know that Mary was carrying a child who literally would be the lord and savior of mankind. Mary from humble beginning was called by God to give birth to the lord, something which is remarkable. God uses those who are nothing in the eyes of the world to bring about his purposes and glorify his name. God uses people who are poor and lowly to accomplish his will and glorify his name. The same applies to us Christians who are lowly and poor in spirit, God can use us to accomplish his purposes and glorify his name. So, we should be open and allow him to use us in his ministry.