Kodi mpingo wabwino ndi wotani? What is the best Church?


Akolose 1:3-8 chaputa ichi chikuwonetsa makhalidwe asanu ndi chimodzi a mpingo wabwino. Choyamba ndi mbiri yabwino. Mutakhala kuti mwafunsidwa funso kuti mufotokoze mbiri ya mpingo wanu, inu munganene kuti chiyani? Kodi munganene kuti mulungu akugwira ntchito mu mpingo mwanu? Chinthu china ndi chidwi cha mpingo pa Yesu. Kodi mpingo wanu uli ndi chidwi chonse pa Yesu mu zonse? Ndipo chidwi chake ndi choposa? Nankha kodi mpingo wanu umakonda munjira yomwe ndi mulungu yekha angafotokoze? Makhalidwe anu kodi akuonetsa kuti muli okonzeka kukhala kumwamba? Kodi uthenga wabwino ukubereka zipatso mwa inu? Kodi mpingo ukutengera anthu kwa Yesu? Zinthu zonena zilipo zmbiri koma chinthu chofunika kumvetsa ndi chakuti mpingo si nyumba yokongolayo, kapena zovala zokongola zomwe akhristu amavalazo kapena chilichonse chokhuzana ndi dziko lapansi. Mpingo ndi zinthu za mulungu zomwe zakambidwa mwambamu, zimenezo ndi zomwe zimapanga mpingo weniweni.

Colossians 1:3-8 this chapter displays six characters of a good church. The first is reputation. If you were to be asked about the reputation of your church, what would you say? Would you say that God is at work in the church? Another character is church focus on Jesus. Is your church fully engaged and focused on Jesus? Can we say it is Laser focused on Jesus alone? Does the church love in such a way that only God can explain it? And what about the life style, does it show that you live for heaven? Is the gospel bearing fruits in you? Is the church doing all it can to bring people to Jesus? The list goes on and on but what is important is that we understand that church is not about the nice building, nice clothes you wear when going to church or anything worldly but the things of God. And that makes a real church.