Kukhulupirika kwa Malonjezo a Mulungu/The Faithfulness of God’s Promises


Genesis 15:1-6, Abusa a Watch akutitengera mukumvetsetsa kwa gawo loyamba la chaputa chimenechi. Abusa a Watch akulongosola bwino lomwe za kudalira ndi kukhulupirira malonjezo a mulungu pogwiritsa ntchito chithunzi cha Abramu mu nkhaniyi. Mulungu wathandiza Abramu kugonjetsa magulu ankhondo ndipo mapeto ake mulungu akuyankhulana ndi Abramu kudzera m’masomphenya. Mulungu akumuuza Abramu kuti asaope popeza iye ndi chishango chake. Koma Abramu ali ndi chikayiko makamaka pa malonjezo a mulungu onena kuti iye azakhala tate wa dziko lonse. Izi ndi zomvetsetseka kwa Abramu popeza anali akukalamba koma opanda mwana. Mulungu achita pangano lake ndi Abramu. Abramu akhulupirira mulungu. Phunziro: Mulungu analonjeza, akulonjeza chipulumutso kwa anthu onse omukhulupirira iye kudzera mwa Yesu Khristu ndipo ife ngati akhristu tiyenera kudalira ndi kukhulupirira malonjezano ake a mulungu.

Genesis 15:1-6, Pastor Watch takes us through the first part of this chapter of the book. Pastor Watch explains clearly about trusting and putting faith in God’s promises. And he does so by looking into the life of Abram. God has helped Abram win the battle against many kings and finally appears to him in a vision. God tells Abram not to be afraid for God is his shield and reward. But Abram lose heart looking at his age knowing that he has no child and yet he is to be the father of many nations. God reassures Abram of his promises and he put faith. This was counted to him as righteousness. Lesson: God promised, is promising salvation to all the people who put faith in him through Jesus Christ. And we as Christians are to trust and put faith in the promises of God.