Akhristu ndi mchere wa dziko lapansi/Christians are salt of the world


Mateyu 5:13-16 ikutionetsa kuti makhalidwe ankhristu mu dziko lapansi alingati mchere wa dziko lapansi. Makhalidwe a akhristu, momwe amayankhulira ena komanso momwe achitira ndi ena zilingati kuwala komwe kuwunikira dziko lapansi. Mu chaputa 5, tikupeza zinthu ziwiri zomwe ndi zofunika pa moyo wa anthu pa dziko lapansi. Izi ndi monga mchere komanso kuwunika. Tikhoza kukhala opanda suga koma ndikuphika phala kuthira mchere anthu ndi kudya phala opanda chodandaula chilichonse. Munthu uthakukhala opanda mafuta ophikira kapena tomato koma ndi kuwilitsa nsomba ndi kuthira mchere anthu ndi kudya opanda vuto lilonse. Zitsanzo izi zikuonetsera momwe mchere uli ofunikira. Momwenso kuwunika, kuwunika ndi kofuna pa moyo wa munthu. N’chifukwa palibe amayatsa nyali ndi kuyivindikira ndi mbiya koma amayisiya poti iwalile aliyense pamalopo. Anthu amafuna kuwunika nthawi zonse chifukwa anthu amadana ndi mdima. Ndi malingaliro amene, Yesu akulangiza ophunzira ake kuti nawonso akhale ofuna kuwonetsa makhalidwe abwino omwe watchula kale monga kuleza mtima, kukonda mtendere ndi zina zambiri. Muvesi ya 16, Yesu akumaliza ndi kunena kuti “momwenso kuwunika kwanu kuwale pamaso pa anthu kuti aone ntchito zanu zabwinondi kulemekeza atate anu akumwamba.” Pamene mukonda ena posatengera mkwiyo wawo painu, pamene mukonda ena pamene adana nanu, anthu azaona ndipo azalemekeza atate anu akumwamba.

Matthew 5:13-16 is showing us that the way Christians conduct themselves in the world is like salt of the world. The attributes of Christians, how they speak with others should be like the light shining forth in the world. In this chapter we are finding out two
things that are very essential to humans and they cannot live without them. These things are salt and light. We can be without sugar and yet cook porridge and only add salt and have people eat. You have no cooking oil and tomatoes but still boil fish and only add salt to it and have people eat. These examples demonstrate how important salt is to the survival of human beings. Same applies to light, humans cannot live without light. This is why no one lights a lump in a house and covers it with a basket but instead puts it where it shines on all those in the house. Humans always want to be where there is light, we dislike darkness very much. With that in mind, Jesus is telling us that it should be the same with the followers of Jesus Christ. The followers of Jesus Christ should show all the attributes Jesus has already spoken about in the verses before these verses. Attributes like humbleness, peacemakers and many others. Now Jesus tells us why it should be like that at the end of verse sixteen. He says “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father in heaven.” Yes, when people see you loving others despite their hating you, when they see you loving peace despite others criticizing you, they know and see the love for God that is within you. And will glorify your heavenly father.