Yesu Mulungu Ndithu ndi moyo wosatha/Jesus the True God and eternal life


1 Yohane 5:18-21 mathero a buku la 1 Yohane angotikumbutsa zonse zomwe zikupezeka mu bukuli. Munthu amene amakonda mulungu samachimwa kawirikawiri. Ana amulungu amaonekera mu ntchito zawo chifukwa mu buku la 1 Yohane mayesero a momwe mungaziwire kuti ndiwe mwana wa mulungu kapena ayi abweresedwa poyera kufuna kutidzindikiritsa. Ndipo kudzera mukudziwa kumeneku timakhala odzadzidwa ndi chidziwitso cha moyo wosatha.

1 John 5:18-21 the book of 1 John ends with a reminder to us all of all the things it talks about. A person who loves God does not continue in sin. Children of God are recognised through their works and in this book we are given all the things as tools for that job. And its through that knowledge one has the confidence of eternal life.