Umboni wa Mulungu/God’s Testimony


1 Yohane 5:6-13 uthenga wabwino omwe Yohane wakhala akulongosola mu buku la 1 Yohane, wakambidwa bwino mu chaputa cha chisanu. Mulungu wa mphamvu zonse akuchitira umboni mwana wake amene ndi Mulungu komanso munthu ndithu. Mulungu atate akuchitira umboni umenewu mu njira zitatu. Njira yoyamba ndi kudzera m’madzi a ubatizo wa Yesu Khristu, magazi a Yesu Khristu pantanda komanso kudzera mzimu. Njira yachiwiri ndi kudzera mu chisankho chimene ife timapanga podzindikira kuti Mulungu sanganame ndipo iye ndi choonadi motero timakhulupirira zonse zomwe amayankhula. Njira yachitatu ndi kudzera mu chipulumutso chimene amapereka kudzera mwa mwana wake Yesu Khristu amene ndi Munthu ndi Mulungu ndithu.

1 John 5:6-13 the message that John has spoken throughout the whole book of 1 John is clearly explained in chapter 5. The almighty God who sits enthroned gives his testimony of his son being fully Human and fully God. God has done this in three ways. The first way is through the water of Jesus’ baptism, his blood at the cross, and the spirit. The second way is through the choice we make realising that God can never lie but that he is the truth. In that sense we believe in all that God tells us because it’s true. The third way is through the salvation he gives through his son Jesus Christ who is fully Man and fully God.