Noah received a blessing through obedience to God/Nowa analandira M’dalitso kudzera mukumvera Mulungu


Genesis 9:1-7, Noah did everything that God asked of him, he never questioned God or refuse his commandments. But followed God’s instructions through out his entire life even when building the Ark, he kept on following God’s own directions. And because of this, God was impressed with Noah, so he blessed him and told him that “be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it.” This is like wise to us christians today, if we obey God’s word and follow his instructions, it is to no doubt that he will bless us like he did Noah.

Genesis 9:1-7, Nowa anachita zonse zomwe Mulungu anamulamulira, iye sanafunse konse zochita za Mulungu kapena kukana malaturo ake. Koma anatsatira malangizo a Mulungu moyo wake wonse ingakhale pomanga chombo, anapitilira kutsatirarabe malangizo ake. Ndipo chifukwa cha ichi, Mulungu anakondwera naye Nowa namudalitsa kuti mubelekane ndi kuchulukana ndi kuligonjetsa dziko la pansi. Izi zili chimozimozi ifenso a khristu lero, ngati timvera mulungu ndi mawu ake, popanda kukayikira Mulungu adzatidalitsa nafenso monga momwe anachitira Nowa.