Mtima ngati wa Khristu Yesu/A heart like that of Christ Jesus


Afilipi 2:5-8, ma vesi amenewa akulimbikitsa akhristu onse kukhala odzichepetsa monga Yesu Khristu anali odzichepetsa. Yesu anavomera kusiya ulemerero wake ku dziko la kumwamba ndi kubadwira ku banja losauka, kubadwira anthu osauka ndi cholinga choti apeleke chipulumutso ku dziko lonse lapansi ndi kupulumutsa anthu onse ochimwa. Chifukwa cha kudzichepetsa kwa Khristu Yesu lero anthu tonse tili ndi kuthekera kokhala moyo wa chiyembekezo ndikulindilira moyo wosatha. Choncho kubadwa kwa Yesu Khristu kukuyenera kusintha machitidwe athu ndi anthu ena. Yesu akulimbikitsa ubale wolimba pakati pa akhristu omwe ndi mboni za iye.

Philippians 2:5-8, these verses are encouraging christians to be humble like Jesus Christ was humble. Jesus was humble that he left his glorious home and was born to a poor family and born for poor people so that through that he gives a propitiatory sacrifice for all sinful people and become the salvation for all people. Because of his humbleness, today we have life and hope for the everlasting life to come. In that way, the birth of Jesus Christ should cause christians to have the right attitude towards others. Jesus is encouraging strong brotherhood among fellow christians as we are being his witnesses.