Mphatso ya chipulumutso/The gift of salvation


2 Petro 1:1-11, aliyense amapatsidwa mphatso ya chipulumutso kudzera mu chikhulupiriro mwa Yesu Khristu. Palibe amapulumutsidwa kudzera mu ntchito zake koma kudzera mu chikhulupiriro chathu mwa Yesu Khristu timapatsidwa mphatso ya chipulumutso. Monga akhristu zinthu zitatu zoyenera kukumbukira,(tapatsidwa Yesu Khristu, tikuyenera kukhala muchikhulupiriro chathu, tikuyenera kuyembekezera chipulumutso chathu).

2 Peter 1:1-11, everyone is gifted salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. No one is given salvation through his works but through faith in Jesus Christ you are gifted salvation. As christians three things we are to remember, (we are given Jesus Christ, we must practise our faith in Jesus, we must wait faithfully for our salvation).