Milodzo yolodzera chipulumutso/Signs leading to salvation


Genesis 11:10-32, mibado yonse kuyambira pa Adamu, Seti, Nowa, Semu komanso abramu yemwe anasinthidwa kukhala Abrahamu ikutitengera kwa Yesu Khristu yemwe ndi chipulumutso cha anthu onse. Ife tonse ndiodala kamba koti tilimunthawi yomwe milodzo inafika kumathero ndipo chipulumutso chinapelekedwa. Ife tingoyenera kukhulupirira Yesu kukhala mpulumutsi ndi ambuye ndipo tipulumutsidwa.

Genesis 11:10-32, all the generations starting with Adam, Seth, Noah, Shem and Abram who later became Abraham, all are leading us to Jesus Christ who is the salvation of all people. All of us today are blessed because we’re in the time where all the signs leading us to Jesus came to an end and the salvation was given. All we need to do is to believe that Jesus is our lord and saviour and we are going to be saved.