Jesus the lord of History, the lord of the world


Maliko 6:30-44, M’ma vesi amenewa tikuonetseredwa bwino lomwe za m’momwe mbiri m’baibulo ikuonetsera dongosolo lomwe Mulungu analikonza kale lokhuza kubwera kwa khristu pa dziko lapansi kuzapulumutsa anthu ake. Mwachitsanzo, aneneri angapo akutengeredwa ku malo, kapena akupita kumalo omwe kulibeko chakudya kapena chakudyacho ndichochepa. Aneneri monga Mose, Eliya ndi ena otero, pomwe izi zikuwachitikira akupelekera ulosi wa yesu khristu yemwe ndi tate wa mbiri ndi dziko. Muzochitika zonsezi zomwe aneneriwa akukumananazo mulungu akuchulukisa chakudya, kapena kupeleka chakudyacho. Yesu atabwera pa dziko lapansi anakwaniritsa ulosi umenewo pomwe anadyetsa anthu 5000 posawerengera azimayi ndi ana. Mbuye kapena tate wa mbiri yesu khristu, akudyetsa anthu ambiri kukwaniritsa zomwe mbiri yakhala kulosera za iye.

Mark 6:30-44, In these verses we are seeing clearly how the history written in the bible is showing the plans God put in place along time ago of sending his son to the earth to die and redeem his people. For example, prophets are often taken to places or are told to go to places where either the food is few or not at all. Prophets like Moses, Elijah and many others, as these things are happening to them, they’re painting out the clear picture of the life of the christ who is the lord of history and of the world. So the lord is either multiplying the food or provides the food in the cases of the prophets. When Jesus came to the earth, he lived out those examples where by he multiplied the food and fed the thousands.